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Championing equity and
empowering Women & Young girls 


in Australia

Championing equity and empowering women and young girls involves taking proactive steps at various levels, from individual to institutional and societal changes. Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and therefore also half of its potential. But gender inequality persists everywhere and stagnates social progress.
On average, women in the labor market still earn 23 percent less than men globally and women spend about three times as many hours in unpaid domestic and care work as men.


our Focus

What we offer  ?

How we continue to Empower Women in Australia  bending reality  ?


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Creating a Leadership
Path for  Women  at workforce

Join us to learn and embody the three significant pillars to harness your leadership career.

  • Explore how to advocate for yourself and negotiate effectively for higher compensation package. 

  • Discover how to use vocal dynamics to ensure you are heard.

  • Learn techniques to generate new ideas in your team and ensure positive outcomes. 

  • Focus on how your physical habits affect the impression you give others, and how they affect how you’re feeling.

1. The power of communication and negotiation strategies

2.Finding meaning in work and resilience

3.Networks and how leaders define success 

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Empowering CALD
Immigrant  women in Australia 

A CALD Immigrant women faces many barriers when trying to access support services, including:

  • Language

  • Discrimination

  • Issues around settlement and immigration

  • Pre-migration history of torture and trauma

  • Lack of family and community support

  • Fear of authorities, as well as a lack of understanding of systems and laws that can provide support and protection

Respect for an individual’s culture, including acknowledgement of values and belief systems, while recognising the strengths people from CALD backgrounds have are also essential. Providing options through information and support


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STEM Career for women & Young Girls.

Only 16% of Australia’s STEM graduates are women. 

We're encouraging women to pursue careers in the growing fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), where they have traditionally been under-represented either by choice or lack of awareness.

We are on a mission to promote more young girls and women in STEM Careers pathway, providing professional development opportunities for young women in STEM degrees, helping and guiding them make the right decision by choosing a relevant course and program. Our  program provides a range of workshops in leadership, career development and entrepreneurship. Unicorn giving  focuses on equipping you with more confidence, strength and resilience.

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Working with School girls
advancing their Self  worth , Resilience and their Core Identity

At Unicorn giving we understand the true nourishment of mind and soul for young girls begins at their School, we aim to  provide support, guidance, and encouragement to girls and young women in the Canberra, Australia region through our free programs. Our safe, inclusive community provides the best positive role modelling where we talk about understanding their true intrinsic potential, wellbeing, self-empowerment, and self-value and provide the tools and resources girls and young women need to excel gracefully in life.

Teacher and Student
Reviewing Proposal

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Get a Personalised action plan - Your way to standing more strong

By setting personal goals, you are choosing to improve as a person and live a better life. Spend a moment thinking about where you are right now and where you would like to be and we at Unicorn giving help you curate a personalised action plan by helping you draft a goal and move ahead in life. It is hard to achieve a goal if you do not care much about. Decide what is really important to you. Which ideas give you a feeling of excitement? and we will add wings to your dreams. Be it Financial Planning to secuire your future, choosing the right career path or helping you identify your true gift and follow your passion to start your venture and living a life of  more choice and Independence. 

Happy Women

We'll Connect you with the Right Energy on this Planet -

Want some more information ?

If you’d like to learn more about becoming a valuable member of the Unicorn Giving sisterhood, or if you’d like more information about any of the programs we offer or how you can get involved with Unicorn Giving, we’d love to hear from you.

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